
Our thoughts on technology and design

This post looks at the speed of development of the two leading RIA frameworks, Silverlight and Flex, giving unequivocal proof that Silverlight is better than Flex ... !
Today's blog post is a couple of very simple utility methods that I have found myself using again and again ...
This blog post describes a technique for specifying WPF / Silverlight Dependency Properties declaritively via attributes
The construction of a ViewModel is often seen as the standard technique for solving binding problems within WPF and Silverlight.
Yesterday myself and Gary Scott (our MD) went down to London for the Silverlight 3 UK launch event.
Text rendering has been a problem for both Silverlight and WPF for a while. This blog post looks at ClearType in Silverlight v3 and compares it to WPF and WinForms text rendering.
A brief article on the launch of Silverlight 3 and why the interest in Silverlight is eclipsing that of WPF.
This blog posts describes a technique for associating multiple bindings with a single dependency property within Silverlight applications.
I must admit that the title of this post is not entirely clear, however I couldn't find a way to sum up the content in one short sentence, so we'll dive straight into an example.
A few night ago I was working on a Siverlight control which renders some quite complex Paths, the geometry of which is determined from a number of dependency properties.
With Silverlight, Panels do not clip their contents by default.
Last month was a busy one for me - I wrote quite a few blog posts, with the Silverlight ones proving very popular, and added new article posted to codeproject.
I have just finished a new article on CodeProject - Generate WPF and Silverlight Dependency Properties using T4 Templates
In my previous blog post I described a method for solving the commonly faced problem of binding a Silverlight DataGrid to dynamic data, the form of which is not know at compile time.
This post demonstrates a technique for binding a Silverlight DataGrid to dynamic data, the structure of which is not know at compile-time ...
An oddness in default behaviour that can throw those new to Flex Charting is that segments in charts that should correspond to a data point are missing.
This blog details a technique for generating Silverlight dependency properties from an XML file via a T4 template.
The number of frustrating decisions in Flex's charting API is minimal, but high up on my list is a strange decision that prevents developers from accessing information that is frequently desirable for custom data tips in stacked area, bar and column charts.
Silverlight is moving fast. Really fast.
Less than 24 hours ago Microsoft's MIX09 conference kicked of in Las Vegas with Silverlight 3 taking centre stage.
