
Our thoughts on technology and design

This blog post presents a Windows Phone 7 Jump List control that I have developed.This post describes the API in detail and includes full sourcecode. Feel free to use and enjoy!
A few weeks ago I blogged about a Twitter / Bing Maps mashup that I had created for tracking snowfall in the UK via the #uksnow twitter hashtag.
A few weeks ago I created a Silverlight version of the #uksnow Twitter mashup, which plots twitter users snow reports on a UK map.
Silverlight 4 added TextTrimming="WordEllipsis", which trims the text that a TextBlock displays based on the available width. This blog post describes a simple method for automatically showing the full text as a tooltip whenever the text is trimmed. This is presented as an attached behaviour.
This post details a jQuery plugin which animates updates to HTML tables representing rankings.
It's Christmas Eve and time for some fun! A few weeks back I published an article on Reactive Extensions where I created a Bing Maps / Twitter mashup that plotted the geolocation of #uksnow twitter tags.
I was reading an article on CSS 3 transitions that was very interesting, but as I was reading, it seemed like the feature was designed for CSS designers - the primary example was animating an effect on hover.
This post goes through an implementation a SortedList in Java which ensures its elements are kept in order and guarantees O(log(n)) run time for all the basic operations.
The WPF / Silverlight syntax is long and cumbersome. This blog post describe a simple attached property that allows you to specify row and column widths / heights as a simple comma separated list, e.g. RowDefinitions="Auto,,3*,,,,2*"
Around one week ago I published an article which compared the performance of Visibox charts to a few of its competitors.
A few weeks ago I published a blog post which compared the performance of the Visiblox charts and the Silverlight Toolkit charts.
In the first part I created a simple speed test harness and found the best way of creating 100 rows in a large table, regardless of the CSS conditions. Now I'm going to do the same for sorting.
The announced launch of Silverlight 5 has got the developer community all excited about improved media capabilities, MVVM support, printing and 3D, but how will Silverlight adoption evolve throughout 2011.
I have published an article on codeproject "Exploring Reactive Extensions (Rx) through Twitter and Bing Maps Mashups" which includes the sourcecode for my uksnow mashup.
The following are a couple of examples to accompany my codeproject article on Reactive Extensions.
Over the last month or so, I've been interested in website performance.
A week ago a colleague of mine posted an interesting article on parallelism in .NET 4.0 which included a few different libraries for asynchronous / parallel processing.
This post follows on from the comparisons by Colin, of two Silverlight chart libraries, and Graham, of Flex and Silverlight chart libraries.
In this blog post I look at how to add a new series type to the Visiblox charts by creating my own series type which renders a smoothed line using a Bézier curve.
Back in the day, processors had a single core and clock speeds increased steadily every year.
