
Our thoughts on technology and design

In part one I discussed my objective to create a "web-less webapp" which could masquerade as a native application on all modern mobile platforms.
This blog post describes the development of a rolling list location indicator. This indicator mirrors the behaviour seen in the native Windows Phone 7 calendar which rolls from one date to the next as the user scrolls.
In this first installment, I'll introduce the appcache, talk about some gotchas of using the appcache and hopefully give some helpful hints for debugging it based on my experience.
OK, this is a little behind the times since I'm talking about jQuery 1.3.2 - but it may be useful to someone.
This blog post shows how to implement tombstoning within a Windows Phone 7 application that following the Model-View-ViewModel pattern.
Each project is different and each client has different needs. Scott Logic has the flexibility to fit in with client requirements - but often we are asked to take on ownership of the process of software development, as well as the day to day mechanics of cutting code.
For the past few months I have been writing a Metro-In-Motion blog series which describes how to recreate some of the fluid effects found in native Windows Phone 7 applications within your own applications.
In this post I am going to look at the similarities between jQuery Deferred and Microsoft Reactive Extensions, and supply code which will convert between the two.
A look at the three big web technologies at the moment.
When meeting current and prospective clients the subject of web technology choice often arises. There has been a great deal of confusion and uncertainty out there, even before Microsoft's perceived change of stance with respect to Silverlight emerged.
When meeting current and prospective clients the subject of web technology choice often arises. There has been a great deal of confusion and uncertainty out there, even before Microsoft's perceived change of stance with respect to Silverlight emerged.
This blog post describes the implementation of a metro 'tilt' effect for Windows Phone 7 which causes element to respond to user interactions by tilting in 3D
This blog post describes a novel method of generating boiler-plate MVVM code using codesnippet automation. You simply add attributes to your view model classes and the code is generated for you!
In a previous post I presented a library of sparkline implementations for Flex 3.
This post describes the implementation of a List in Java which allows log time removals and insertions.
At the weekend I published a CodeProject article titled "A Collection of JavaScript Gotchas".
This blog post describes a Windows Phone 7 NavigationList control, a list control designed for navigation pages. The NavigationList renders twice as fast as a ListBox and has a slightly simpler API.
The annual MIX conference, where Microsoft showcases the latest and greatest technologies to the development community is now coming to an end.
Yesterday Gartner released its latest mobile smartphone sales predications, with the figures showing a dramatic turnaround in their predictions for the Microsoft Windows Phone 7 platform.
In this blog post I look at how to implement the fly-out fly-in effect seen in native Windows Phone 7 applications. This effect is seen in the native mail application; when you click on a message, the title flies out of the list then flies back in as the title of the message page.
